Stylist Spotlight: Liz Peters
By Brooke Jacobs
Photographer: Chris Linn
Liz’s colorful vibrant personality, contagiously fun energy and her crafty talents are hard to match. She puts spirit into every project she works on, and if she gets her way (and if it is right for the client) a burst of humor and creativity that makes every shoot unique.
While Liz hasn’t been styling for that long, it is as if all her talents were leading her here. She isn’t afraid to jump into the unknown, to take on a project that pushes the boundries and is quick to come up with clever solutions. And she does it all with her positive can-do personality. It is no wonder her website is I love Liz Peters!
IG: partypoodles
How did you get into styling?
I went to college to study fiber arts, textile design, and art history. I thought I was going to create prints for clothing designers or for a line of my own someday, but after interning with a designer in New York for a year I realized that it was not the path I wanted to take. I met fellow Coop stylist, Xina Giatas, at a vintage clothing store we were both working at and she introduced me to the world of styling. The rest is history!
Who do you admire or take inspiration from?
I admire makers, crafters, and designers who have fun and and a sense of humor in their work. I am a huge fan of Amy Sedaris, who has several crafting books, and an amazing show currently on TruTv called At Home with Amy Sedaris, a combo of a Martha Stewart type homemaking show mixed with off color and bizarre comedy.
I also grew up on Pee Wee’s Playhouse, which not only shaped my sense of humor, but showed me how fun and colorful life can be. I just moved into my first home purchase this year and the first thing I did was paint giant eggs and bacon all over the kitchen walls! I always want to do quality work on set and in my personal life, but I think the key to it for me is not taking anything too seriously. We have to play and try things out to see what will work. We all make mistakes and have bad days, but when you have a good attitude on set and a sense of humor I think that translates into the images that we create!
What do you do when you’re not working?
I love to craft anything, sewing dresses, making miniatures, frosting cakes, quilting, knitting, gardening. I like to make things! And I try to translate that love into the styling work that I do. Any time I have a chance to do some paper cutouts for a card, turn a champagne cage into a little chair, add pom poms or glitter to any project, literally pull a Sound of Music and make a dress out of old curtains! I like to do it all.
Photographer: Steven Zeswitz
What is a project your are most proud of?
I think my most rewarding job was for Bark, one of my favorite clients to work with (because its creative, colorful, and there are doggies on set!) They were selling dog treats that would support local dog rescues across the country. I made paper cutouts of each of the cities participating and it was creative, challenging and so cute! It was hard work and took so much concentration, but was extremely rewarding.
I think the project I’m most proud of outside of work would have to be my wedding dress. I had purchased a vintage dress but about three months before the wedding decided it wasn’t really the right dress for me. I went to the fabric shop, got some white cotton and colorful tulle and made one myself. It was a total surprise to my husband the day of, my train was embroidered to look like Coney Island where he proposed to me. I love it so much, I wish I could wear it again somehow!
What goals do you have for your career going forward?
I am a newbie to styling compared to some of the seasoned and extremely talented ladies of the Stylist Co Op. I have been styling for about three years now and know that I have a lot of experience and technique to gain. I think as a stylist you never stop learning, trying new things, being creative. I want to add more of my own personality and style into the work I do and work with clients that want to have fun with their products! I would also love to try my hand at some of the more artistic styling niches like make up and food styling. It feels related to so much of the arts and crafts I love to do already that I think I might fall in love!
Photographer: Steven Zeswitz