Happy Holidays from all of us
Styling and photography by Brooke Jacobs
As 2019 winds down to a close, all of us here at the Stylist Co-op would like to wish you and yours a happy holiday season. We are so grateful to all of you who have made the year stellar. To all the new clients who took a chance on us, and all the old clients who stayed loyal. To those seasoned and new who have helped us along the way. To the creatives who dreamed up beautiful projects that challenged us so we could grow. And to all the photographers and their teams who made our work look good. Thank you!
We are looking forward to what 2020 will bring, the new friends, new projects, and all that we will learn along the way. Here is to collaboration over competition, and all that is possible when we work together and lift each other up.
Please enjoy some of our favorite Holiday work from this year:
Styling and photography by Melina hammer
Styling by Heather Newberger
Styling by Mary Arch. Photography by Frank Withers at Aurelie Graillot Studio
Styling by Celine Griscom. Photography Nathan Kraxberger (top left), Adam Fithers (top right), In Kim (bottom)
Styling by Melissa Buck. Photography by Randazzo & Blau
Styling by Jessica Agullo. Photography by George Brenner (top), William Boyd (middle), Colin Cooke (bottom)
Styling by Carrie Capaldi
Styling by Charlotte Sims
Wardrobe Styling by Xina Giatas, Prop Styling by Liz Peters